Video Production

We work with a team of videographers that can create engaging videos that can then be used on your website. Research shows that adding a video to a landing page can increase conversions by 80%. That’s why here at WP Design Digital we are pushing our clients to move towards the video marketing to boost their business.

We develop videos and produce a variety of videos. We work with a team of videographers that can create engaging videos that can then be used on your website. Research shows that adding a video to a landing page can increase conversions by 80%. That’s why here at WP Design Digital we are pushing our clients to move towards the video marketing to boost their business.

The use of video marketing is not only effective but essential for business growth. The fact that a single minute video is worth 1.8 million words drives home the importance of visual marketing and why it can help your business convert more customers, and get more sales from existing customers. At WP Design Digital we have the experience, technology and resources to create engaging videos that can enhance your brand and increase conversions.

As I’m sure you’ve heard “content is king” which describes the importance of context marketing and while content is effective for most audiences visual marketing is far more powerful.